I figured out that if I lower my photo resolution in my camera, I can load pics that fit by the text. Duh.
Monday's job, among other things, was the kitchen. I'll get to that in a minute. First, I need to backtrack a bit.
On Sunday night, D and I were feeling extremely discouraged. We'd been working all day and accomplished practically nothing. We hated both the yellow and the red we'd chosen for our walls. Most of our friends were out of town or had prior plans that meant they couldn't come help us. At dinnertime, we were sitting on the back stoop eating leftovers, looking at the already overgrown grass (We so need a lawnmower. I keep finding cheap-as-free ones on CraigsList, but we have no way to cart them to our house.), wondering how we'd ever get finished.
So, we prayed. I asked the Lord to send us some people to help. And He did.
A guy named Jamie, who's on the worship band with Vid, phoned first. He came over that night and helped us finish up painting the second bedroom. He also went to battle for us with the kitchen wallpaper above. D and I are pretty sure that border has been up for the 18 years the previous family lived here.
The next morning, another couple from church, Paul and Carol Sue, came to help. We thought they'd lend a hand at painting. Paul, however, came in his truck - which was loaded with everything from extra paint rollers to a power saw and a portable spotlight. Woot! He climbed up into the attic and cut a hole in our bathroom roof to install a fan. He also fixed a broken light fixture in our hall. Joel and Laura arrived at 10:00 AM and stuck around 'til 8:00.
With the six of us, we managed to finish painting all three bedrooms. We made some trips back to the paint store to adjust the red and yellow. It took four tries to get the right color yellow in the 3rd bedroom. I think the nice hippie guy at Benjamin Moore probably hates me now. We also got the LR/DR primed. Vid managed to remove all the rest of the nasty border in the kitchen, and I began disinfecting and cleaning the cabinets. I took the photo above
after I had been cleaning that cabinet. I stopped in the middle for a photo op because I decided I needed someone else to see the scum factor. I don't know that the insides of the cabinets are worth painting. The previous owners painted over all the hinges with several layers of high gloss paint, so rather than waste time chipping away at that to salvage cabinets that aren't worth saving... I'll just paint them hanging there. I know it's wrong. But it might have to work that way. Sigh.
Also, we have ants. Carol Sue discovered several anthills yesterday. Thriving, large ant metropolises (metropoli?) in both our front and backyard. That would explain the several large ants I discovered in the kitchen. They were bold, those ants, clambering over the tops of the cabinets and dangling off the light fixtures like little mountain climbers. I've enjoyed covering them with little bits of painter's tape and squashing them.
I'm off to Home Depot, again, after school to buy a chemical to kill the ants. Joel suggested boiling water, but Carol Sue suggested something else. I love our friend Joel, but I trust Carol Sue's advice.