Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Long Time No Blog

All five of you who actually read my blog will most likely already have seen this photo on Facebook, but my first child's first birthday merits a blog post and a photo, don't you think? And she looks so cute. Who would know that only seconds beforehand she'd been crying (and would be again)? Alas, it's true - Birthday Number 1 (or two, really) was rather too overwhelming for the Babblegail. Mommy and Daddy were glad for the leftover cupcakes, though.

I can't believe we have a one year old. An 18 lb., 2 oz, 30 inch tall, 7 word speaking, almost walking one year old. Her newest word is "balah" which means "balloon". She is fascinated by her birthday balloons that are still floating around the house. (Thanks for those, Oma.) She's learning how to drink out of a sippy cup. She'll walk holding someone's hand, but isn't brave enough to stand or take a step on her own.

This time last year she'd only been home from the hospital a day (remember that she spent a week in the NICU - I remember leaving for the hospital to visit her while our 4th of July block party was in full swing) and we were learning how to nurse. She was all of 7 lbs. We slept on the couch (with her on my chest) those first few nights home together. And now she's a pro at nursing - and while I look forward tothe freedom of her being weaned, the thought of it also makes me cry.

We figure our next kid will be chubby, sedentary, and snuggly - everything Abigail wasn't (and isn't). It's funny - I'm ready to start trying for number two, but every time I think about adding another one to the family, I get a little sad knowing it means Abigail won't be the center of attention any more. I know it sounds silly, but does it make sense? I think Vid kind of understands what I mean, but it has a different nuance for him. He wondered aloud the other day if Abigail would be his favorite, even after her siblings come along. I think she might be.