Why biscuits, gravy, and Gringotts, you ask? They're inside my brain. I'm not sure if this happens to other people, but I personally feel like my brain fixates on things. Especially when I am driving to work. Wherever I let my mind wander is where it stays that day. So, for example, yesterday as I drove to work, I passed a Holiday Inn billboard advertising free breakfasts. Three plates heaped with yummy breakfast foods. One of those plates was piled with biscuits and gravy. I know it's awful, unhealthy, fattening, etc, etc. but I love biscuits and gravy. Food makes me happy. I look forward to a good meal more than I sometimes look forward to... oh, vacation, maybe. And man, a morning with biscuits and gravy is a good morning.
I'm still thinking about them.
As for Gringotts... well, I've been packing. And packing. And packing. Every time I open a cabinet, I find something else to pack. Every time I turn around I see one more thing on the counter that needs to go in a box. I open a drawer and voila! more stuff. Stuff I swear wasn't there a minute before. I began feeling like Harry Potter. You know, when he, Hermione, and Ron break into the goblin bank Gringotts in order to take back the sword. The vault is enchanted against potential thieves. Every time they touch treasure, it multiplies hundredfold and turns burning hot. They almost get buried inside the vault. I almost got buried in my kitchen yesterday.
You know what else I'm fixated on lately? CraigsList. It's a little vouyeristic on my part. I love seeing what people are chucking for free. Some of it's so much junk... and some of it is just so weird. I keep hoping, though, that I'll find some kind of treasure. Not that I'm very skilled at the wow-look-at-that-cool-thing-thrift-store kinds of finds, but I can try.
It's moving day. It's drizzling, but not storming. Yay.
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