Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stronger Than Superglue!

Some of you know that David's been working with Awana lately, writing and recording children's music for their various clubs and programs. Well, last week he received his first ever fan mail! Here it is:

"I'm an Awana Sparks volunteer, and just received the new CD last week. I've been jamming to it ever since! It's awesome. The kids will love it, and their parents will, too. Listening to the music has me really excited to start the new Awana year. What a fun, fun way to teach and learn Bible truths. Thank you!

Sarah, Wyoming"

Isn't it so great?? I'm inordinately proud of this email. When David finished the project, Steve (the producer, aka his guitarist, aka partner in crime) told us that Awana would make 30,000 copies of the CD. At the time I thought, "Wow. That's a big number. Maybe people will hear David's music!" It's totally different to actually receive fan mail. From WYOMING. Who lives in Wyoming?! I mean, apparently Sarah does, but who else? People in other states are hearing my husband's songs. And they like them so much, they're hunting him down on the internet to TELL HIM.


So. You readers of my blog, who have kids under the age of 8, or who know someone with kids under the age of 8, or who have kids who one day may turn one of those ages: Check them out. Puggles is a purple CD one. It's geared towards kids 2-3 years old. The Sparks (Sing It, Tell It, Whisper It, Yell It) cover has a kid on it, who is apparently super-psyched about her super psweet music. That one is geared towards kids about 7 years old.

Buy them. You won't regret it.

**Other fan mail (in form of posted comments) can be directed to: http://www.davidyeagerband.blogspot.com/


Meg said...

even though we aren't quite 2 yet, i'm about to shoot myself listening to music only a toddler could love...

food for thought...

Britt said...

Meg, I promise you... The music is different. S & D worked really hard to make the music palatable for adults. I wish there was a way for you to hear a sample! Maybe D can download some stuff on his MySpace page.

Meg said...

you know what, you have always had good taste in music, so i doubt #1 that you married a man that would produce bad music for a living or #2 that you would recommend bad music to me. i think i'll take your word for it & get it as a present for myself!