Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Heartthrob

So, in my new job I spend a lot of time visiting junior highs and high schools all over the county. For those of you who don't know, I'm now considered an "abstinence educator". I.e. I teach for a local non-profit organization. I go into schools as a guest speaker for health classes. Yes, that means I get to talk about all the creepy things you never wanted your teachers to talk to you about in school. (I also do presentations for adults, but that's something a little different.) I'm supposed to teach in Spanish, but right now, because I'm still in training, I teach in English a lot. And I love it.

I visited a school last week about a half hour from our house. It was a group of about 60 kids - two seventh grade classes combined. As I introduced myself, I jumped right in to explaining how they were supposed to fill out information on a survey we are required to do. (We're funded by the government, so we have to appease them.) It's anonymous, but the kids do have to put the first initial of their first name, and the last initial of their last name at the top. (I have no idea why.) Anyway, it's a direction that most kids have a hard time understanding. So, I explained. "My name is Brittany Yeager." I wrote it on the board. "If I were filling this out, I would mark the B from Brittany, and the R, not the Y, of Yeager. Get it?"

Suddenly a hand shot up. A boy in the front row blurted out, "Do you know David Yeager? Are you related?" Obviously taken off guard (I've never seen this kid before), I responded, "Well, David is the name of my husband... but what David Yeager are YOU talking about?"

He replied, "The David Yeager that wrote the Fruit of the Spirit song - the one from that CD - the one that leads worship at NPC."

"Yes, that's my husband," I replied, flabbergasted.

"I'm in the junior high band. I play the bass. I learned that song so we could teach the kids at BLAST." (BLAST is the ministry I teach - K-3rd graders.)

Just then a cute little brunette sitting nearby realized something interesting was going on and popped into the conversation. "Wait, what are you guys talking about? Why are you talking about The Fruit of the Spirit song?"

"Her husband is David Yeager," Bass Player explained again, pointing at me. "He wrote it."

Little Brunette gripped the sides of her desk in utter raptures. "YOUR husband is David Yeager? Oh my gosh! He is SO COOOOL!!"

"Well, thanks." I grinned. "I'll tell him you said that."

"Oh my gosh. Well, I mean, uhm, he doesn't know me." She waved her hands in front of her, urging me not to do such a thing.

"It's okay. He'll still want to know he's cool." I answered.

And he did.


Monica said...

I didn't realize how much out of touch I am with your life until I started reading this blog...but this post really sent me over the edge! You married a famous guy? Or maybe you married him and because of that he's famous. Potayto, Potahto!

Hope all is well!

Britt said...

Hey Monica - David writes/sings kids' music for AWANA sometimes and is on a couple albums. The most recent one is mostly his stuff. (Check back earlier in the blog where I toot his horn and leave a link - it'd be perfect for Bella.) Not famous yet - just working on his own (grown up) album and doing fun kids' projects. :)

Lisa N P said...

That is a hoot and a holler! David the Jr. High heartthrob! i love it...

Cristi said...

Oh, this is great!! I do have to say that the fruit of the spirit song was Julia's favorite, too, though. I think we're building consensus. (And I'm giving away two of the Sparks albums for Christmas this year!)