Andrea and I were at lunch the other day. And Pat (the office admin) brought cookies and brownies to lunch – the Lofthouse super soft cookies with lots of frosting. Andrea exclaimed over the cookies, saying, “C is for Cookie! That’s good enough for me!”
I reminded her, “A cookie is a sometimes food. You know you cannot have them all the time.”
To which she replied, “You are right. A cookie for breakfast with my coffee. A cookie after lunch. And a cookie at three o’clock as a snack is not all the time. It is only sometimes.”
“Yes,” I nodded, “You are right. All the time is really a lot of time. A cookie for breakfast, after lunch, and as a snack is only three times in one day, which is certainly not ALL the time. To eat cookies ALL the time means you would have to eat cookies continuously, 24 hours a day.”
“You are right!” she said, and bit into a cookie.
Suddenly it seemed like Cookie Monster might not have such a bad deal after all.
Or a thought like this one pops up:
What if the people on the island on LOST had to repopulate the Earth? (Aside - David and I just started Season Two - no spoilers please!! I’m not saying I think this is a plot of the show, I was just thinking about it.) There are 43 people on the Island now. Assume there are roughly equal numbers of men and women. Because so many of them are strangers, if they had to repopulate the planet, could they? Is there enough genetic diversity? Or does the whole 6-degrees-of-separation thing that LOST has going on get in the way?
One thing's for sure. The new Earth would have some beautiful people. I've never seen such a collection of "normal yet supermodel-esque" genes. Really, what are the chances that 43 good looking people survive a plane crash? I don't think their lives are so rough... At least they have some pretty faces to look at while hiding from Smoky the Man Eating Monster and the Others.
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