Abigail turned a month old on Wednesday. A month. I know it's not much, but it's hard to believe.
I've been up since six AM. Abigail woke wanting to eat, so we did. She ate at 11:00 PM, 3:00 AM, and again at 6. After breakfast she was bright eyed and bushy tailed, as the saying goes. And the sun was up. So I had a choice - try to lull her back to sleep so I could climb back in bed next to David (who, incidentally, is still there), or stay up and enjoy my baby until she conked back out. She's asleep now - so maybe I should be, too. Instead I'm enjoying a cup of decaf (funny, BA (Before Abigail) the words "enjoy" and "decaf" would never have been in the same sentence), a slice of banana bread, and quiet time in front of my computer. No more leisurely Saturday mornings in bed, I guess. I can probably kiss Sunday afternoon naps goodbye for a while, too. At least Sunday afternoon naps like they used to be. Every time I close my eyes now I have one ear tuned to the baby monitor.
People told us our lives would be different, that no parent is ever prepared. It's amazing how a parent-to-be comprehends that statement, and at the same time, doesn't understand it at all. It's only just now that D and I are beginning to feel somewhat human again. Our lives have some pretense of a routine - or at least a pattern (it's too early to call it a rut) - that we're managing to live with. Yesterday we even managed to have friends over for dinner! Our lives are filled with a lot more mess - baby clutter and bodily fluids - than I ever imagined. And this is just the beginning.
And yet, every time I pick her up out of her crib after a nap and look at her squidgy, sleepy little face, it doesn't really matter. I've never wanted to kiss and hug someone so much in my life. All that baby softness snuggled up to your neck - who could resist? Seriously.
I've been up since six AM. Abigail woke wanting to eat, so we did. She ate at 11:00 PM, 3:00 AM, and again at 6. After breakfast she was bright eyed and bushy tailed, as the saying goes. And the sun was up. So I had a choice - try to lull her back to sleep so I could climb back in bed next to David (who, incidentally, is still there), or stay up and enjoy my baby until she conked back out. She's asleep now - so maybe I should be, too. Instead I'm enjoying a cup of decaf (funny, BA (Before Abigail) the words "enjoy" and "decaf" would never have been in the same sentence), a slice of banana bread, and quiet time in front of my computer. No more leisurely Saturday mornings in bed, I guess. I can probably kiss Sunday afternoon naps goodbye for a while, too. At least Sunday afternoon naps like they used to be. Every time I close my eyes now I have one ear tuned to the baby monitor.
People told us our lives would be different, that no parent is ever prepared. It's amazing how a parent-to-be comprehends that statement, and at the same time, doesn't understand it at all. It's only just now that D and I are beginning to feel somewhat human again. Our lives have some pretense of a routine - or at least a pattern (it's too early to call it a rut) - that we're managing to live with. Yesterday we even managed to have friends over for dinner! Our lives are filled with a lot more mess - baby clutter and bodily fluids - than I ever imagined. And this is just the beginning.
And yet, every time I pick her up out of her crib after a nap and look at her squidgy, sleepy little face, it doesn't really matter. I've never wanted to kiss and hug someone so much in my life. All that baby softness snuggled up to your neck - who could resist? Seriously.
1 comment:
I love this post because it reminds me of myself when I was first starting out. You figure things out as time goes by, how to get into a routine and stay in it for everyone's sanity. Bodily fluids aren't as gross. Short naps feel great too. And life happens again, just mostly revolving around that most perfect thing you've ever laid your eyes on. But one thing remains the same...you'll always look at your baby's precious face (even when people are tring to tell you they aren't a baby anymore) and be amazed!
Congrats again. She's a doll!
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