Wednesday, October 28, 2009

David Thinks They're Cute

David and I are trying to save money these days. Now that we live on one salary, we know we have to be careful with how we spend "extra" money. (I use that term loosely. There is no "extra" right now.) Among other things, that means cutting down our grocery bill drastically. What we've been doing lately is buying as many groceries as possible at Aldi. David's rule is that we have to try everything once and decide if we can live with it, or if spending the extra $1 per item is worth it for the sake of taste. When we have to, we go to SuperTarget to do the rest of the shopping - for meat and produce, that sort of thing.

So far it's working pretty well. It means I have to exercise amazing self-control and pass by the wine and junk food aisles at SuperTarget. (And each time I do, I feel simultaneously triumphant and pathetic.) I've found I do better if I have a chaperone - then I'm held accountable and won't find myself wandering in the home goods or baby clothes sections of the store.

Anyway - with the arrival of fall I have been tempted many times to spend money unnecessarily. Every time we drive by the Wheaton Garden Center I resist the urge to turn in and stock up on hardy mums to decorate the front porch. And while David and I are not carving Jack-O-Lanterns this year (due to a couple bum wrists for me), I did so very much want a pumpkin.

Well, on Sunday when we did our shopping, I saw that pumpkins were only $3.99 at Target. A guilt-free purchase, right? And seeing that we saved about $22 shopping at Aldi that week, like a little kid I begged David, "Can we puh-leeeeze get a pumpkin?" He said yes.

For three days it sat cheerily on our front stoop, a flash of color amidst the brown and graying landscape that is our front yard. Today (Wednesday) David took a sick day to run me to the doctor (to see about my bum wrists - suppose I shouldn't be typing) this morning. When we returned from our errand around 10:30, this is what we found:

Over the course of the day several of our friendly neighborhood squirrels decided to make good on the opportunity.

The challenge is made.

The feast commences.

The word is spread.
By dinner time it was cleaned out. I spent $3.99 to feed a bunch of dirty, brazen rodents.
Score: Squirrels 1, Brittany 0.


Laura said...

Aww. Great photos though!

Beth said...

yeah ALDI!!! bummer about the pumpkin though!!!