Monday, March 15, 2010

You Are What You Eat

I am suddenly surrounded by people who are fixated on food. Specifically, fixated on how to eat organically, healthily, & humanely. People who search out hormone-free milk that comes from grass-fed cows. People who want to buy chicken that comes from birds who are allowed to walk around outside before they are... well... made edible. People who compare the prices of organic produce at Trader Joe's vs. Whole Foods.

I'm not making fun of any of these people - I respect my friends for the choices they are making. I actually admire them for being so knowledgeable and passionate in their convictions. But I'm also rather fascinated by the situation. I am literally surrounded by friends who feel deeply that the humane purchasing (and eating) of your food is a deeply serious - and possibly moral - issue. (I can't think of a better way to phrase it.) Some of them are concerned about all the bad stuff that goes into the stuff we eat, some are concerned about the way we mass-produce and therefore mistreat the animals that provide us nourishment, and some are concerned about both.

All I know is that suddenly I'm hyper-aware of everything. I suspiciously eye the milk I'm drinking. When I go to the grocery store, I stare at the meat and chicken for a looooong time and feel a little guilty when I pick it up. I bite into an apple and wonder if it's actually poisoning me - like poor Snow White's was.

All this talk of ethical eating is making me wonder if God wants me to change my food habits. And this may sound terrible, but I really hope not. I like my junk food. I like Aldi. But maybe junk food, and Aldi, are a little bit evil?

Has anyone else thought about this issue?

1 comment:

The Sigler Family said...

i have a friend here in KS that is very conscious on foods with preservatives and artificial flavors/colors. it's a health reason - her kids' behavior and physical health are directly affected. focus, timmy, focus! she also has a thing for not eating plastic (cool whip, using saran wrap) and eschewing microwaves.

i have another friend who used to do some writing/editing for an ag mag. don't let your friends be fooled thinking they are getting chemical free or pesticide free food when they buy organic. Think animal manure and "organic" pesticides.

My mom could tell you about the whole egg/chicken thing. she learned quite a bit during a brief accounting employ at a cage-free, naturally fed chicken farm.i forgot and she didn't seem affected - we all still buy our dozens at 99c.

i might consider local, hormone free milk for tori in 5 months, but then, will it be worth the money? extra hormones didn't do me any good!