Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Time is Here

In celebration of the season, I decided to change my blog (Thanks, M, for the link to the free backgrounds!) I guess I could have gone classier, been more polished... but since I'm around kids all day, think about kids all day, and I named my blog after a kid's book, this design was more suitable for me. It makes me wish I had Christmas Break. Or a pair of snow pants I could don to go roll around (comfortably) in the snow.

And there is snow! Sigh. I love it, and I hate it. It started Sunday and quit last night. We only have a few inches, but the roads are gross. Winter is here. BUT! We have our tree. We put up our Christmas lights. We watched Charlie Brown's Christmas and The Grinch. It feels like Christmas. I have three weeks of work left before Christmas Break. Wonderful, wonderful. I'm totally enjoying the Advent season. My only problem is a lack of inspiration in the gift-giving department. I have no idea what we're going to get people. I have no idea what to get D. Sigh.

Other news: Lord willing, we should be getting a new front door tomorrow (Merry Christmas to ME!). Right now there's about a half inch to an inch of space all around the door. You can see daylight when the door is closed, and the cold blows in. (I feel like we ought to go Ma & Pa style and hang a quilt over the door to keep out the cold.) There's call for more snow on Wednesday, though, so who knows. I'm afraid they'll cancel, though we haven't heard anything yet.

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