Tuesday, December 16, 2008


That was the median temperature yesterday, according to the various banks and drugstores I passed as I was driving around. It was so cold that David and I could not scrape the ice off the car, the two back doors stayed frozen shut all day, any slush that sprayed up on my winshield froze immediately, and the ground was so hard that the sheet ice that covered it wasn't even slippery. It was so cold my drivers side window wouldn't go down when I was at the drive through at the bank. I had to pull my car forward, get out and stand at the ATM to make my deposit. And those little touch screens don't work when you have your gloves on. Cold. Burn your face and eyes, make you hate life cold.

Today it's supposed to be more like 22, last I checked. Sad to say, that will feel pleasant compared to Monday.

Today is perhaps the best day ever at work. I teach in the morning, getting back to the office around 11:00. At 11:30 we start a Christmas party (lunch is catered in!), and then at 1:30, we start a staff meeting (which may not sound like fun, but always is) which will go until the end of the day.

David is sick with a sore throat today, and so is staying in to work from home. I'm a tad bit jealous, but not too much.

T-minus 9 days until Chirstmas.

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