On Thursday evening Abigail rolled over (back-to-tummy) for the first time. Her accomplishment was met with cheers and applause all around. She was 11.5 weeks old.
This morning, David got up and went to work for the first time in 12 weeks. Yup. Today marks my first "real" day of being a stay-at-home-Mom.
I can't believe how quickly the time went. It's been such a blessing to have David at home, experiencing the first three months of Abigail's life with me. He's been such a help to me. As we've moved from two to one income and started the journey of parenting, we've seen God provide in good ways. We discovered we can happily spend 24 hours a day together (despite the initial weeks of new-parent stress), and we've praised God as he's provided extra income and help from friends to meet our needs. David has been busy with paying gigs, and has received a great deal of encouragement about his music and songwriting efforts.
It's 12:46 PM. I have a big long list of stuff I'd like to do this week (laundry, coffee with a friend, catching up on emails, studying for Bible Study at church, reorganizing some closets, running errands, cooking, etc.). That list in and of itself is sort of a wonder to me. This is my new stage in life: being "busy at home". I'm excited about it. I'm enamored with my little girl, and excited that this new stage means I get to focus on building relationships with people at my church, finding new ways to serve, and of course, caring for and teaching Abigail.
That said, I thought I might mention how today has gone in actuality. For starters, I am still in sweats - spit up covered sweats, to be exact. Abigail has wet through one outfit and is currently asleep in the second (also spit up covered).
(An aside: Remember how I said I liked my cloth diapers? I'm starting to second guess that. I've got the diapers cinched as tightly as they go, and they still leak, despite the fact that they leave little red marks on Abigail's legs. When I put in extra stuffing it seems to help, but then I worry I'm going to give the kid back problems because when she lays down, she's on an incline, with her little butt above her head. That can't be good for bone development. I pinched her leg in the snaps accidentally today and she screamed, which made me feel awful. And I can't even count how many times I've done laundry in the past few weeks. I don't know if it's worth the effort. Maybe I'm not as green as I thought I could be...)
To continue: There are dirty dishes in the kitchen, and a pile of unpaid bills sitting on our coffee table. I haven't written any of the emails I meant to, and the dirty laundry is still sitting in the corner, staring at me. I know I'm not cooking dinner - won't make it to the store today - so we're eating Mac & Cheese tonight. Food of the gods, that.
So David's going to come home and ask me what I did all day. And I'll say,"Fed her, changed her, cleaned her, fed her, changed her, cleaned her, cleaned me, fed her, changed her, made the bed." And he'll just sort of look at me a little dubiously. But that's okay.
This morning, David got up and went to work for the first time in 12 weeks. Yup. Today marks my first "real" day of being a stay-at-home-Mom.
I can't believe how quickly the time went. It's been such a blessing to have David at home, experiencing the first three months of Abigail's life with me. He's been such a help to me. As we've moved from two to one income and started the journey of parenting, we've seen God provide in good ways. We discovered we can happily spend 24 hours a day together (despite the initial weeks of new-parent stress), and we've praised God as he's provided extra income and help from friends to meet our needs. David has been busy with paying gigs, and has received a great deal of encouragement about his music and songwriting efforts.
It's 12:46 PM. I have a big long list of stuff I'd like to do this week (laundry, coffee with a friend, catching up on emails, studying for Bible Study at church, reorganizing some closets, running errands, cooking, etc.). That list in and of itself is sort of a wonder to me. This is my new stage in life: being "busy at home". I'm excited about it. I'm enamored with my little girl, and excited that this new stage means I get to focus on building relationships with people at my church, finding new ways to serve, and of course, caring for and teaching Abigail.
That said, I thought I might mention how today has gone in actuality. For starters, I am still in sweats - spit up covered sweats, to be exact. Abigail has wet through one outfit and is currently asleep in the second (also spit up covered).
(An aside: Remember how I said I liked my cloth diapers? I'm starting to second guess that. I've got the diapers cinched as tightly as they go, and they still leak, despite the fact that they leave little red marks on Abigail's legs. When I put in extra stuffing it seems to help, but then I worry I'm going to give the kid back problems because when she lays down, she's on an incline, with her little butt above her head. That can't be good for bone development. I pinched her leg in the snaps accidentally today and she screamed, which made me feel awful. And I can't even count how many times I've done laundry in the past few weeks. I don't know if it's worth the effort. Maybe I'm not as green as I thought I could be...)
To continue: There are dirty dishes in the kitchen, and a pile of unpaid bills sitting on our coffee table. I haven't written any of the emails I meant to, and the dirty laundry is still sitting in the corner, staring at me. I know I'm not cooking dinner - won't make it to the store today - so we're eating Mac & Cheese tonight. Food of the gods, that.
So David's going to come home and ask me what I did all day. And I'll say,"Fed her, changed her, cleaned her, fed her, changed her, cleaned her, cleaned me, fed her, changed her, made the bed." And he'll just sort of look at me a little dubiously. But that's okay.
1 comment:
LOVE IT!!! so honest!! :-)
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