I overslept today. My alarm was set and went off, but I apparently had other plans. I don't remember my alarm, but I do remember opening my eyes, rolling over, and looking at the clock at 8:30 AM. 8:30. That's ridiculous.
I have an excuse, though. Babystyles has changed her routine lately. She's not sleeping through the night anymore, waking up one to three times during the evening to fuss about something. And then she's sleeping late into the morning to make up for lost time. Like right now - it's 9:16 and she's snoozing peacefully. I just went into the nursery and turned on the lights and pulled her blankets off of her - but still she snores.
It makes sense, I guess. She wasn't napping much during the day, but she was sleeping through the night. Then I tried to encourage longer nap times during the day, and now she's waking up overnight. Though I'm annoyed and tired, it's hard to decide which I prefer - an uninterrupted night of sleep, or a chance to do my own thing during the day.
I guess it's time to try a real, honest-to-goodness schedule. A consistent wake time in the morning and a (more) consistent bedtime at night.
But, poop. That means I'll have to get up earlier, which means I'll be tired and sleepy more often - and at the times when she's most awake. Seems like an unfair trade off.

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